Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: the "I'm currently obsessed with frugality" edition


Liz said...

Meanwhile your brother's laundry went through the dryer because a. he didn't do it last night and b. I was gone all morning and most of the afternoon, so had no time to do outdoors drying today. Hopefully tomorrow works out better. However, score one for frugality - we had corned beef for dinner. I bought several briskets back when they were cheap around St Patrick's Day and put them in the freezer, so I didn't have to buy meat for dinner tonight. Of course the other good news is it's one more thing out of the freezer. We've had thawed out frozen meat every day this week, and so far no one really seems to have noticed that fact. Tomorrow thawed out hamburg...

Abby said...

Whereas I had to toss the chicken that I had in the freezer, that I had planned to use for dinner, as it was freezer burned from not using it soon enough. So I guess that would make us about even in the frugality department. We had a very inexpensive veggies on rice stir fry, instead. I am, however, enjoying my cloth "paper towel" dispenser, and cloth "paper towels" (note: these were originally intended as cloth diaper wipes, but with that experiment failed for the moment, they are a great alternative to paper towels. More absorbent, less money getting thrown into the trash....