Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First post (an introduction)

Welcome, all, to my small attempt to "cast out into the deep", to connect, to reach a wider world and to know my own self better in the process.

To put first things first, an introduction:

My name is Abby, and I am a young wife and mom living in VT, struggling through the day to day like many others. I was raised by wonderful parents who taught me to cherish old time values, and brought me up amidst animals, gardens and well-loved books. I studied Animal Science and English in college, and in my pre-baby days had some very small successes in publishing my writing (namely a couple of published poems, and a month of daily meditations through Our Daily Visitor). My time is a lot more limited now, but I'm hoping that this space will allow me to make some friends, discuss ideas, share a few things I've learned, and motivate me to write on a more regular basis.

With all that in mind, please feel free to comment and say hi!

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