Friday, May 7, 2010

Another day, another dollar..

Someday, I'm going to sit down and actually calculate what the going rate for a housewife really should be... but I don't see it happening anytime soon, because I don't really have the time to do the math :) Suffice it to say that today I was:
A medical information specialist (this is my actual paying job)
A sales researcher (hunting the web for coupon deals)
A maid (washing, folding, picking up, dishes, making the bed)
A drying machine (hanging our clothing in the sun)
A nanny (doing all these things while watching and playing with Little Wum)
A cook (lunch for LW and I, dinner for the three of us)
A grocery shopper
A triage nurse (ok, I'm not really certified for that, but LW fell and conked her head on our bookshelf, necessitating some medical decision making)
A cuddler, snuggler, bump-kisser
A wet nurse
A wife
and last but not least, a mom. It's all in a day's work - and I've only got one little one to watch. What did I ever do with all the *time* I had on my hands, before I was married and had a baby? And how do those moms with 2, 3, 5, 7 manage? I can only hope that my capabilities will similarly expand as our family does. Certainly motherhood has already taught me to dramatically increase my efficiency, and at the same time, I value my time more... and what I do with my time, seems to mean so much more.

It's friday, though! The weekend awaits... it will be busy, but hopefully blessed :)


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I totally understand how you feel. I run on zero spare time as it is (I combine blogging with nursing...haha, one-handed typing is the way it goes). Mothers must be given a special sort of grace as their family grows.

I found your blog via Minnesota Mom and thought I'd say "hi" since I'm looking for other Catholic new moms to connect with. :)

Michelle Therese said...

Hello! Your mom came to my blog and left a very lovely comment. She also left a link to her blog and your blog. I've put both of you on my blog roll so I can see when you add new posts. Yay!

It's so nice to internet-connect with other Catholic moms out there in the world. I live in Scotland ... not exactly a Catholic-friendly any more. I come from Massachusetts though. That's where I was born and raised. Before I came here I was in the navy and so I've been around the world a bit. Was stationed in Italy and the middle east. I was in Alaska for six years before moving here. I'm so happy to finally settle and plant some roots - I've been here on our farm for four years now.

Your mom said you have sheep AND you spin and kint!!! Er... knit lol! I was just learning to knit when Elspeth was born. I'd love to learn how to weave. That would be something. But our mixed-breed sheep are for meat and don't have good fleeces for knitting.

You wonder how folk with more then one kid do it? I'll be honest, even with more kids it doesn't get harder. Maybe a bit louder haha! One kid takes up all of your time... ten kids take up all of your time. You still struggle to slip away and use the bathroom and you still find yourself sneaking a bath at midnight! We've had three kids in less then two years. 23 months. We went from thinking we were easing into parenthood to BOOM! lol! I hope we can have at least six, if not more. :-)

God bless!!