Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Dandelion Wine day..

"Yes, summer was rituals, each with its natural time and place.  The ritual of lemonade or ice tea making, the ritual of wine, shoes, or no shoes, and at last, swiftly following the others, with quiet dignity, the ritual of the front porch swing" - Dandelion Wine, Ray Bradbury
This summer is the first one in a long time that really feels like a summer to me.  It may be an unfortunate consequence of homeschooling that I never became properly "institutionalized" - never learned to accept working day in and day out with no long stretches of vacation to look forward to.  Two weeks doesn't cut it for me; I need long stretches where it doesn't matter if a day ends up wasted or not quite perfect.

Anyway, this is the first summer in a long time when I've consistently had time (or at least the presence of mind) to really *notice* the summerness.  Last summer I had a brand new newborn, the summer before that I was planning a wedding, the summer before that I was a camp counselor (fun, and "summery", but utterly exhausting), and the three summers before that I was working.  So, while I'm technically working this summer, I also have time (with the Little Wum), to really enjoy the traditions of summer.  I have a whole list going of things that I want to do... and have already started on many - The Garden (growing up it was always in capitals in my mind, probably because my parents' garden was about 20 times the size of the one I'm currently working on), sun tea, shady/sunny blanket time, afternoon book reading, listening to the sound of the fan and the hum of distant lawnmowers out the window as I relax for an afternoon doze...

The creemies have already started, and soon there'll be s'mores, bbq chicken, potato salad (so much of what I associate with summer is food!)  I want to try my hand at mint juleps (another L'Engle inspired suggestion) and margaritas, and find time to chase a few fireflies.  Walks by the lake, walks at my parents' house down to the covered bridge or the congregational church graveyard, picnicking and sharing a bottle of orange-mango juice with a special someone...  For now, though, reading Dandelion Wine while LW sleeps - the perfect book for a summer day.


Amanda said...

can I be a special someone... ? pretty please? :)

Abby said...

You most certainly can :) I had you in mind writing that.. although of course special someone deliberately could refer to Jim as well. Pretty much the only two special someones though, at least special someones old enough to drink orange mango juice :)