Thursday, May 20, 2010

Garden progress!

I can't resist sharing a few photos of the progress of my garden. They're a little blurry (camera phone photos), but they give the general idea, and show the pea fence that I put up today :) My dad will be so proud... Also a gratuitous LW and husband photo - they kept me company while I put up the fence. Sometimes my husband and I sort of reverse the "traditional" roles - I tend to do the gardening and sometimes "Mr. Fix-it" stuff, because my dad taught me really well, and hence I enjoy doing those tasks because they remind me of him. But then again, Jim, looking over my shoulder as I write this, just said, "Hey! I do Mr. Fix-it stuff too! And better!"

Anyway, on to the pictures :)

The lettuces have made progress...

On the right are the chives, sage, basil, and spearmint.

The (slightly leaning) pea fence, with freshly planted (non-visible) peas.

Last, but very definitely not least - the two loves of my life :)

And now.. to bed :)


Sarah said...

It looks fantastic! I can't wait to have our own garden when we eventually get a yard. For now, it's just some herbs in pots. Sarah

Michelle Therese said...

Peas! I love fresh garden peas! Don't think we can grow them outside here in Orkney though.

We just planted potatoes last night. We're a bit behind as spring was slow to start up here.

Liz said...

Wow! A real garden! Now if your father could just get our lettuces planted... I'd go do it myself, but you know how particular he is about his garden. My own herb bed isn't that far along, although the thyme, the mint and the sage are slowly reappearing. I haven't bought basil yet because he last time I tried putting it in this early I ended up having to replant because it got hit by the frost. I actually have finally managed to get a peppermint plant to "take" by the front steps. Now if it just doesn't get killed by someone sticking a snow shovel on top of it...

You're right, though, your father will be very proud. Jim does do mechanical fix it stuff better than you because of all of his experience on Humvees etc., but I'll match him point for point on around the house and yard stuff. He definitely has stronger muscles with a shovel.

LW is going to love tasting those peas once they come up.