Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Home again, home again...

We were visiting my parents house this weekend, hence a general lack of posts :)

And now it is beautiful outside, and my husband has a rare day off, so there will be a general lack of posting today as well. But I haven't forgotten about the online world, and once I am out from under the laundry (going away from the weekend = stacks of baby, husband, and my own laundry, and what with this "no using the dryer" thing I have to make hay, or rather laundry, while the sun shines) and miscellaneous other tasks, I'll be back to jabbering away. I hope the sun is shining wherever you all find yourselves today!


Liz said...

It was lovely to have you all here. You know it is all right to use my washer and clothesline if you want to when you're here. I know you were rather busy for most of the weekend, and I didn't even do laundry myself. I've got a load on the line at the moment, though.

Sarah said...

Hi Abigail, I'm from Australia. I found your blog as I was looking up the Anne quote "Writing living epistles" for MY blog!www.onestepforwardeachday.blogspot.com
It seems that we are at similar stages in life. I'm Catholic, we have a 1 yo boy (Tobias) and we also want to homeschool. I'd like to provide a link from my blog to yours if I may and we can follow each other's journeys. Sarah

Abby said...

Hi Sarah! I'd love to follow your blog as well, thanks for commenting! Looks like you are interested in the Montessori method. I've been reading about that as well, and a lot of her methodology resonates with me, and the way that I grew up. If you like Montessori, you would probably really like the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and also The Religious Potential of the Child (both by Sofia Cavalleti)- they are an approach to teaching children about the faith and are heavily rooted in Montessori type thought. Much of the info in both is for children a little older than my daughter, but I have really enjoyed reading and making notes of things to do with her when she's just a little older.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you! I look forward to continuing to read your blog - it is neat to find another mom with a similarly aged child, who plans on homeschooling (and I gather you, like me, were homeschooled yourself as well?)