Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

A blessed and happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there - of children born and unborn, on earth and on heaven.  My prayers are with all of you, as our Lord purifies all of us through the lifelong task of motherhood.

A thanks to my spiritual mothers, mother Church, and mother Mary - through your example, guidance, and prayers, I am supported, nourished, becoming the person I am called to be.

Moreover, a special thanks to my own mom:

My mother, and my daughter (LW was a few weeks old when this was taken): a legacy of motherhood.  I've learned basically everything about being a mom from the example of my own mom, and I couldn't ask for a better role model.  She continues to be everything a mom should be, even to her adult children.  Thanks Mom!  

Then there is the LW herself - the little girl who made me a Mom, the thing I had dreamed of being since I was a very little girl:

I hope that I will always be a wonderful Mom to her, and to any other children we (hopefully) may have.  I also hope that I can give her everything that Luci Shaw describes in one of my favorite poems, 
"Gifts for My Girl".

Now, off to a celebratory, very late brunch with my little family :)

1 comment:

Michelle Therese said...

Happy, blessed Mother's Day!

You have hair-babies too! Both Elspeth and Inga came out with thick dark mops of hair. Benji has some hair but not as much as the girls.

You put LW's hair into the same "palm tree" that my mother always used for my sisters. How cute!