Sunday, June 6, 2010

Corpus Christi

Just a single thought for today, stolen (and paraphrased) from our pastor's dynamite homily:
"People come and go.  Children grow up.  Relationships change, and people die.  You might say that the one constant in life is that it changes.  But I can tell you that, when I look back on my life, wherever I've been, that sanctuary light has been burning - it's the one thing that has stayed the same.  Wherever my life has taken me, Christ in the Eucharist has been there waiting."
As he also said, the feast of Corpus Christi is a reminder not to take Jesus for granted - not to become so familiarized with the Mass that we forget what is actually going on.  Let us tear off the blinders, and see Jesus again with new eyes!

Thank you, Jesus, for being always with us - 
Thank you for the Eucharist, the sacrament of your love.

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