Monday, March 7, 2011

Snowed In!

Yesterday, our driveway was clear, our vehicles dry, and patches of bare ground had appeared.


I'd like to point out that yes, that snowdrift IS completely covering the front of our second car, and yes, the pathway to our car (note, as I said, yesterday you could see bare ground) is completely gone, buried between at least three feet of snow.

But I'm not complaining, because 1) my husband got the day off from work, and 2) it's pretty lovely to curl up with hot soup, hot cocoa, my warm toddler, and watch the snow from a warm house.  A perfect day to read and knit and help LW "cook" things on her new stove.

What about you?  What's the weather like in your part of the world?


Allison said...

Snowing here too. Well, at home in Minnesota it's snowing, and here in Wisconsin at my parents it will snow tomorrow. So I can't get away from it.

I don't know where you live, I can't remember, but we haven't seen clear ground in MN since November. sigh. This has been our snowiest winter in decades they say.

I'm rather ready for spring :)

Abby said...

Hi Allison,

We're in VT. Very ready for spring! It's been one of the snowiest winters in over a hundred years here. And I probably should clarify that by "clear ground" I really just meant that the ground where we'd shoveled pathways, and the driveway, had melted and bare ground was showing, because it was warm the day before the storm, and rained quite a bit. We still had at least six inches of snowcover everywhere else, and now we're back to several feet :P

You're probably ready for spring in more ways than one, though! When is your little one due?!

Josée said...

Sigh... we're completely snowed in... and have been since November. The snow in our front yard is at least 6 feet deep and twice that where the graters have plowed it into piles. Wishing it was spring... but that won't be happening until the end of April at the very earliest.