Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lesson for a Tuesday

Today's science lesson:

If you happen to be making grits for breakfast, and you just happen to drop the whole, steaming, still slightly soupy bowl of grits on the floor... you will receive an awesome lesson in physics.

That's right: your grits will splash eight feet in every direction, onto every surface imaginable.  Daughter's kitchen toys?  Check.  Throw rug that doesn't fit in the washing machine?  Check.  Laundry basket eight feet away in the living room?  Check, check, and double check (side note: when I went to spell check my post, double check initially turned into diabolic; coincidence? I don't think so).  And by the time you finish cleaning up what can only be described as grit shrapnel, you probably won't want grits for breakfast anymore.

Don't ask me how I know this.

I would include pictures for illustration, but it's far too early in the week for anything that demoralizing.  Take it from me, though: it might be wise to choose something less explosive for breakfast.  Like toast.

That's all for now.  May your Tuesday be less sticky and gritty than mine.

1 comment:

Josée said...

On that's not fun... I've spilled paella all over the kitchen floor so I can sympathize. Looks like Tuesday's been a tough one. Hope your day improved :)