Monday, May 2, 2011

Fun for a Monday

I've recently altered my work schedule so that I do the bulk of my workload (about 12 of the 15 hours) on Monday and Tuesday, in order to have a four day weekend.  This is great, once I hit Wednesday or Thursday, but it does make starting the week back up a little bit rough.  I have to work mostly when LW is napping, or Jim is home, which means mostly in the afternoon, evening, and after she goes to bed at night (9-11 pm - ugh!).  This week, though, I decided to try to make the mornings as fun as possible: I did most of the housework on the weekend, so I'm telling myself to let things slide as much as possible, and just have a good time playing with LW.

At this time of year, mostly she just keeps saying "Awk, Awk," i.e. she wants to go for a walk.  But, unlike yesterday's balmy temperatures in the 70's, today is a brisk 55, warm enough for her to want to stay out all day, but cold enough to have me shivering in a few minutes (for some reason, she's always warmer than me; the "dress your baby one layer warmer than you would be comfortable in" was always backwards for her).  Thus, I needed a good indoors activity.  Fortunately, I intentionally got some alum at the grocery store yesterday: the last ingredient I needed to make some homemade playdough!  I found a good recipe at Skip to my Lou.  I expected this to be a lot more difficult than it was; all I had to do was boil and stir.  I added some food coloring and orange essence for scent, and voila! playdough, minus the scary chemicals and "don't let your child eat" warning.

Although she only ended up playing with it for a few minutes (so far), there's something really cathartic about molding dough.  It's a great stress-reliever, which is exactly what I needed today (we're supposed to hear about an offer we made on a house today; hence, I'm a little more stressed even than usual!).

How would you conquer a case of "The Mondays"?


Liz said...

Homemade playdough was something I had fun making too. Kathy McDonnell used to use it for a church entertainment item for Ryan -but we passed on that. Just be sure to keep it in a tightly covered container when you aren't using it because it tends to dry out pretty quickly (or at least my recipe did). I hope you found a way to scent it so that it smells more like the commercial stuff (the scent of which was my favorite part of the whole deal).

Anonymous said...

That's pretty awesome. Were there any attempts to eat the dough?

Just out of curiosity, how long does homemade play-dough last if it's stored properly?

Abby said...

I think she may have licked the dough, but she's (mostly) past the eating phase. She was more interested in bouncing it like a ball!

As for storing - I don't know for sure, this is the first time I've made it - but I'm guessing maybe a week or two? I don't know how long before it would mold... but it's staying pretty pliable, it hasn't dried out yet (we've stored it in a tupperware in the fridge).

It's easy enough to make that you could theoretically make a batch whenever you wanted it.