Sunday, May 15, 2011

Things and Stuff

Wow.  I know I've been really quiet lately, but I promise, I've got a good reason!  Life has been so very busy this month.  All the usual chaos has been present, plus - drum roll please - it looks like, Lord willing, we're probably going to be purchasing and moving into a house early next month!

That, of course, is a story in and of itself.  Nothing is for certain yet, so I won't tell the whole story until it is, but suffice it to say that we're cautiously optimistic, and as long as the various inspections and appraisals and legal stuff goes according to plan, we'll soon be homeowners.  It's been a long time coming.  We're pretty excited about it all; of course, with the state of the world these days, and the economy and all that, no home purchase (unless you're quite well off, which we are not) comes without compromise, and this is no exception.  We had to give up or put on hold some dreams in order to move forward with others, but all in all, I think we'll be happy with it.  And, there is a neighbor across the road with a daughter only two weeks older than LW, and who is expecting another baby girl in July, so I'm hopeful that we'll even be able to make some new friends in the neighborhood.

Incidentally, I've decided that the process of home searching, home buying, and moving is far, far more complicated than the process of planning a wedding and getting married was.  And that is saying something, because I really thought that was the biggest "planning" ordeal I'd ever have to go through.  Maybe it's just because it all happens in a much shorter time frame, though.

In other news, LW turns *two* in just a couple of weeks, as well.  I can't believe how the time has flown.  It seems like the first year of her life went by so much slower.  I think in the first year I was so focused on her: her needs, her growth and development, that I didn't have any time or energy (or truth be told, any interest) in my pre-baby activities or interests.  This year, that interest and energy returned, even if time remained limited, and at the same time, she grew more a tiny bit more independent, and more able to be a part of activities.  Thus, this year it feels like our family is back to "normal" - but a new normal, of which she is a crucial part, if that makes any sense!  I can't wait to see what this year of her life will bring, as she becomes more verbal, and even more capable.  It's hard to remember what life was like before her...

As a complication of life being so up in the air (in that we don't actually 100% know where we'll be a month from now), I haven't been able to start a garden yet this year, and I really miss it.  I'm hoping to at least get tomatoes and such in; if we manage to move by early June it should be possible, since I think I didn't put them in until at least Memorial Day last year.  My green thumb is positively itching though, especially last week when it was lovely and warm out.  This week promises to make me happy to stay inside, unfortunately, with rain and cooler temps.

It seems like it's a year of big transitions and changes for almost everyone I know.  Friends are getting married, friends are having babies, friends are moving and buying houses, friends are making important and far-reaching decisions about their lives; on the one hand, I'm glad to be a part of the general, dynamic, changing process, but on the other hand, the part of me that resists change is saying, "But we were happy here, we were comfortable, why oh why does it all have to change."  Even though I was desperately desiring the change, it is still oh so hard to have to actually go through it.  Upheaval is never easy, even when it is positive upheaval!

Anyway, that's the general explanation for my blog silence.  I'm hoping to get back into posting more regularly as the weeks go by, and after (if?) we move, life will settle down a good bit.  I've got a huge stash of yarn sitting and waiting for me to have a bit more time to knit (although I've been plugging away on projects even with the busyness; the great thing about knitting is I can bring it with me, and knit while my husband drives), and I also have quite a few things I'd love to write and share about.  In the meantime, please don't go away just because it's quiet here!  I promise I'll be back, more regularly, before too much longer, and if you've got any tips on moving, especially moving with a little one in tow, I'd absolutely love to hear them.  Please pray that the remaining hurdles are overcome, and that our move goes smoothly!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Well one thing you won't have to deal with is going back to the old house to use the bathroom in the middle of the night until the new toilets get hooked up...

I would definitely not recommend moving the way we did (the lack of organization in the process has plagued me for years). It may work to move your bureaus with the clothes inside..., but beyond that, well the better organized the boxes the sooner things will be unpacked in the proper place (i.e. don't have 50 miscellaneous boxes - not that YOU ever would). The one good suggestion I saw someplace was to actually list the contents of each box on an index card and put it in the top of the box. That way you know exactly what's in each "bedroom" or kitchen box, or even every person's clothes box (helpful when you need underwear the next morning after the move). Beyond that, be sure that anything that's special to your LW is easily accessible (I remember my mother having to dig through a barrel to find my cowboy pitcher which was extremely important to me at 3).

You could put some plants in pots that would travel with you (that would work for herb plants)and wouldn't necessarily have to go into the actual garden this year (think big pots like the one my Lily is in).