Friday, November 12, 2010

At least I'm blogging *somewhere*...

Daylight savings time has ended, taking sleep with it, and my daughter, with new teeth coming in, wants to nurse non-stop day and night.  The end result of these two things is I'm pushed to the limit just to get my work done each day, without much "extra" time kicking around (trust me: I have projects a-plenty piling up on my craft table; I keep eyeing them longingly but not longingly enough to do them at 10 pm, which is about the only time leftover at the end of the day).  So I haven't been around here much.  But, today I'm not completely silent: you can find me over at Catholic Mothers Online, with my latest guest post, Five Frugal Suggestions From Yesteryear.

I promise I'll try to be back here soon, with thoughts, updates, and hopefully the continuation of my "A Horse and Her Girl" story.

1 comment:

Liz said...

So, I'm trying to remember the 5 frugal suggestions to tell your father what they were, and I could only remember 4, so I went back and checked, and guess what, you only listed 4.

That's ok, I've got at least one misspelling in my comment...Typing too fast yet again.