Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Trials and Tribulations

My soon-to-be two year old is not content, it seems, to partake in the typical childhood bumps and bruises.  Yes, she falls off from things regularly, and bangs her head, or drops things on her toes, or squashes a finger.  But she also has to take everything one step further.  Like yesterday, when she managed to sprinkle black pepper in her eye.  In case anyone ever wondered - a two year old with pepper in their eye is not a happy camper, and if their fingernails happen to be long at the same time, the bloody scratched mess that will result is enough to result in an instantaneous lifetime's worth of Mom-guilt.

Oh yes, and it was dinnertime, too.  In the flurry of activity, our pasta got pretty gummy.  But, the good news is that LW is fine, now (albeit scratched), and we've learned better than to let her play with spices until she's at least 25.

Ever had a toddler spice catastrophe?  Please share, and let me know I'm not the worst Mom alive.


Karen said...

Oh no!! Poor girl!!

Liz said...

At least she hasn't had to have her stomach pumped out like Aunt Mim did after sucking on an ant cap. I must say that you were the child who had stitches, not your brother. I think the thing I probably felt the worst about was the day that Gabe got stung by a yellow jacket that had climbed up his pant leg while it was on the clothesline. I took the clothes off the line and dressed him in the pants and he got stung within seconds.

Anonymous said...

Awww, poor LW.

My youngest sister got red pepper in her eye once. She was maybe four at the time. My (very experienced) Mother was so upset that she drove her to the ER where they washed her eye with saline out for a nice tidy sum.

It's just so hard to see your child in pain :(. But thanks for reminding me to keep the peppers in the cupboards...now that my boy has figured out how to reach the counter tops.