Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thankful for blessings in disguise...

While it may not have looked any quieter than usual around here the last few days, it was actually a lot quieter (well, less Internet-y) in my home.  This is because on Monday night, I turned on my computer only to discover that a virus was wreaking havoc with my ability to do any sort of searching with any of the major search engines. 

This could, and should, have been a huge hassle, given that the computer affected was my work computer, and I telecommute.  Coupled with my husband's computer being dead due to a broken power cord (a replacement, courtesy of my lovely cousin, will be arriving this weekend), it could have meant disaster.  As it turned out, it did mean a couple of days of lost productivity that I'll have to make up in one way or another in the coming weeks.  However, it was also a huge blessing, because it forced me to take a real break from the distractions that so often keep me from taking real breaks. 

For two days, I couldn't check my email, surf the net, Google for recipes, or read other people's blogs.  I couldn't research houses or peruse Facebook.  Rather, my options were to read a book, sip coffee, clean the house, or play with my little one.  When she was napping, my options were limited to the first three.

Therefore - after a two day, Internet-free "vacation" - my house is very clean, and more importantly, I feel very rested.  I didn't get any more physical sleep than usual, in fact perhaps less, but I experienced a rest from the temptation to distraction that the Internet so often represents for me.  It is just so easy, when given an hour's break, or even ten minutes, to spend it researching this, shopping for that, reading, navigating, etc, and I couldn't believe how often I caught myself thinking "I'll just go check..."  But of course I couldn't, which was the whole blessing of it; when I have the ability to do all those things, I end up frittering away my few moments of peace, and feel less rested after than before. 

So, after a few days' break, I definitely appreciate some of the very good things of the Internet more, like the ability to have a recipe instantly at my finger tips, my calendar and people's phone #'s just a click away, and the social connections.  However, I also have a renewed sense of understanding for how good it is just to step away; to close the computer and soak up a good book, or a few minutes listening to the radio or even the wind outside. 

In light of this discovery, my husband and I are seriously contemplating making Sundays "Internet-free" days, so that at least once a week, we can unplug, relax, and enjoy the real world outside without the constant allure of information at our fingertips.  I think this would be a really good thing for our mental health, our daughter's formation, and also for our relationship.

I do recognize the irony of blogging about unplugging, but I thought I'd share.  Try it - unplug for an hour or a day (and I mean, really unplug - no cheating!), and see what I mean.  See how often the thought to check something crosses your mind; if you are like me, first it will feel very uncomfortable, and then you'll realize how much more uncomfortable you are with having the Internet hold such power over you, and you'll find something better to do.  In my case, that meant a great book (The Fellowship of the Ring), which of course must be accompanied by an appropriate snack (wedge of cheese, apple, mug of coffee); for you, the form of relaxation may be different but the point is the same.  Unplug, and enjoy something tangible for awhile; I promise you'll come back to the Net a healthier person for it.


Josée said...

I can very much relate to this post. We've been trying to make Sundays computer free days for a while now. We've been a little more slack over the summer... It's amazing how much time you can spend on a computer and how dependent you become on the internet. When my internet breaks down I start walking around the house in circles wondering what to do, it's quite funny actually. Glad you had a nice rest :)

Anonymous said...

I actually am hardly ever able to get on the computer because it's in an inconvenient location and, let's face it, when I'm at home, I'd much rather be playing with LPK or catching up on chores.
However, I do have the internet on my phone and I'm a little bit addicted to it. (It's how I read your blog, but it's a pain to comment with the tiny screen-- hence my lack of comments).
I've left it at home accidentally one time and-- wow-- my day was so hard! I seriously felt like I was detoxing. No blog reading, facebook checking, email. In some ways this constant stream of information is drug-like.... it's weird.

Anyway, I really like the idea of unplugging one day of the week. I don't think I could convince my husband, however... IT guy...sigh... :)