Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You know your brain is on overload when...

You change your one year old, leaving her bare to air out for a bit, but then completely forget to put her diaper back on.  Instead, ten minutes later, you blithely snap up her outfit, bundle her into the car for a grocery trip, and don't even notice until you are back home and your husband points out, "why is the baby all wet?"

To LW's everlasting credit, she managed to hold it for some two hours until we were home and not in public anymore. 

Really - I shudder to think of the awful sort of mess (literal, not figurative mess) that could have happened.  And the embarrassment.  And the accompanying need to never shop at the conveniently located store again.

I knew this sort of thing (not this exact thing, but this genre of things) went along with the territory of having kids.  I just figured it would be some 4 or 5 kids down the road when I started to lose it, not on my first... the first is supposed to be the one that you keep immaculate records about, and keep meticulous care of, and would never, ever forget to put a diaper on.

Heaven help me once I do have that 4th or 5th child...


Liz said...

You've had a busy few days here, so cut yourself some slack. Thankfully she didn't soak the car seat. In China a diaperless one year old would be a normal state of affairs.

She does seem to be "holding it" for longer periods of time. I haven't seen a puddle lately. Elimination communication, anyone?

Josée said...

Oh Abby, I laughed so hard when I read this. Don't worry, it definitely comes with the "territory". We've had many moments and we only have two ;)

Amanda said...

fabulous. gave me a much needed laugh!
"Never say splat when your child hits the floor?"...
I think it's high time for a new swift-incident-phrase :)

Anonymous said...

haha...it's always a relief to know these things can happen to any of us. I have to say, though, from the experience of being an older sib, by the time you get to #4 or 5, you will have a big kid around all the time who is much too willing to pipe up and say, "mommy forgot to put on a diaper!"

Michelle Therese said...

One child is enough to suck the brains out of your head LOL