Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blog silence

I'm not meaning to be on hiatus at the moment, just have about six too many irons in the proverbial fire.  My husband's twin brother's wedding is next weekend (for which I am, as mentioned before, making the cake).  I also, after a fruitless attempt to find a dress to wear to the wedding locally, decided I would just make a dress to wear...  I hadn't done any sewing projects since LW was born, and let me tell you: this one reminded me all over again why I haven't!

But, I have it nearly done, just need to do some hand sewing details to finish it, and do the hem.  I really like it - I found this reallly pretty embroidered linen on the bargain rack (ok, it was still $7/a yard, but that was half off what it usually is), in this pretty light blue, and also found a darker blue/teal shawl to wear as a wrap to Mass, since the dress itself has spaghetti straps.  My husband has been a champ, watching LW and taking her for walks and such so that I could get the majority of it done; now I will be retiring the sewing machine again for awhile (actually, probably not for too long, as I saved enough of the material to make a little something for LW herself).  I love these sorts of projects - after they are done, that is!

I'm also trying to make some real world time to catch up with a few friends, and spend some summer evenings with husband and daughter.  The summer has totally gotten away from me; I can't believe that it is nearly August already!

On which subject - our second wedding anniversary is next week.  I simply cannot believe that we've been married for two years already.  The time truly has flown, and I am happy to say that our bond continues to deepen, and we definitely (or at least I believe we do) understand each other a lot better now than two years ago. 

The garden, like the rest of my life, is growing out of control; LW is teething (great, more teeth to develop cavities); life is just busy, busy, busy.  Today, at the end of a long, hot, sweaty, sticky, cranky-baby day, I actually momentarily longed for winter - for hot cocoa at the start of the day, for the cozy comforts of hunkering down at home to wait out a snowstorm, and the much more quiet, methodical pace of life that comes with shorter daylight and reduced ability or desire to go anywhere.  But then I snapped back to reality, because I hate winter. 

In other news - I'm finally taking a week's vacation the second week in August, and I cannot wait for that time off.  Since I work only part time from home, I no longer receive paid vacation or paid days off, so I have to put in extra time in advance in order to take any time off; thus days off are extra precious, and this will be the first real vacation that I've had in a year, since I went back to work after LW was born.  I haven't taken more than two days off in a row in the last year, and essentially every time I did that, we were traveling somewhere for a holiday, so this should be a real treat.

Anyway, I know this post has little or no real substance to it - just a quick explanation of things being so quiet here!  In reality, quiet in the blogosphere equates to insanely busy in the "real" world.  But never fear - in a few weeks or so, once fall really settles in, I'm sure I'll have more than enough to say (not that I don't now!), and more importantly, time enough to say it.

God bless, now get outside and enjoy the quickly speeding summer!


Allison said...

I hope you'll post pictures of the dress! I love seeing other's sewing projects

Liz said...

I think that when you guys were little I managed two pair of elastic waisted shorts for Gabe (stretch and sew pattern, done while he napped), and one little dress for you (which you now need to put new elastic in for LW). That was it. I've never been the seamstress you are (although I did teach you some of the fine points of putting a pattern on the cloth...), but mostly it was just that I couldn't ever find the time and when you were LW's age all your daddy's "spare time" went into building a house. I also did remarkably little knitting because I hadn't quite gotten good enough at that to be able to put it down and come back and pick it up hours or days later without having to figure the project out all over again.. I knit Gabe a sweater while pregnant with you, and you a little dress when you were about 4 that actually kept me up half the night Christmas Eve. So I really appreciate how big a deal it is to sew even a simple dress, especially when you don't really have an area specifically dedicated to sewing.

You didn't even tell your readers that LW has already figured out what the foot pedal on your sewing machine does... She's definitely her grandfather's granddaughter.

Hope the hand sewing is a more relaxing experience. Leave a light on and do it while you watch a movie, or at least that's my approach.

Josée said...

Yes, I'd like to see a picture of your dress too!

Abby said...

Ok, ok, I'll post a picture of the dress once it is done - if, and only if, you all promise to not make it part of the "modesty wars" I've seen going on everywhere (for instance, at Faith and Family). I think it is pretty and tasteful and my husband assures me that it is fine, but it does show shoulders (hence the wrap for Mass).

Mom - glad to hear that it's not just me that doesn't have time for all the crafty projects! I thought it was probably the work that was eliminating the possibility, but other full-time at home moms have assured me that they don't have time for those pastimes either.

Allison said...

No modesty wars from me! I'm on the less conservative side of that one, although at Mass I always cover my shoulders and wear a skirt. But outside of Mass I'm more liberal :)

Anonymous said...

I totally understand how hectic everything is. I'm having the same trouble over at my blog :)

I can't stand being inside during the summer evenings and it probably doesn't help that my computer is in our loft which is always ten degrees hotter than the rest of the apartment.

I'd love to see the dress, as well. What pattern did you use? I always have a hard time finding patterns I really like. Anyway, I hate "modesty wars" (haha cute phrase)-- such a holier-than-thou waste of time.