Saturday, September 4, 2010

Let me pick my jaw up from the floor so I can post about this...

My little girl actually asked for a nap for the first time ever today.  Sure, it was all non-verbal communication - toddling into the bedroom, vocally complaining that I wasn't in there, coming to the living room to find me, holding her arms up with an emphatic "dah!" to ask to be picked up, pointing to the bedroom from the vantage point of my arms, pointing to the bed, and then when put down, signing milk and rubbing her eyes.  However, coming from a baby who I generally have to fight with to get to nap, the above sequence (so deliberately enacted) is nothing short of remarkable.  I momentarily thought I'd wandered into some weird alternate universe, but no; just my baby, slowly growing up day by day.

1 comment:

Liz said...

How precocious of her. I'm sure you never asked for a nap until you were much, much older (maybe 10?).